Nowadays, in Autonomous Republic there are being
operated 292 libraries, 245 club enterprises, 20 museums, one painting gallery, 2 state theaters, 5 cultural and recreation
park, 26 infant music art school. |
Nakhchivan State History Museum is scientific – research and cultural
enterprise. In 1924 it was formed as history ethnography museum. Since December
1968 it changed present name. In Museum are operated 9 divisions. In the fund
and in exposition the museum keeps nearly 40 thousands exhibits. While carrying out in Autonomous Republic digging archeology
works there were discovered material cultural and applied art samples, nature sew specimen, carpet articles, drawing works
and other articles were exhibited. Meanwhile, in museum are being held meetings, measures and memory nights.
Address: 94 Independent st., Nakhchivan city telephone 5-01-39 |
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Autonomous Republic Literate Museum – The Museum had been
founded in June 12, 1967 in Nakhchivan city. During these years the museum possessed by 98 exhibits. Right now number of exhibits
equals to more than 1800 units. The Museum is called after Djalil Mammadkuluzade,
Azerbaijan dramaturgy. In the museum fund of Azerbaijan are available basically valuable manuscript, applied and descriptive
art specimens, ancient books, memory things and others, which are being under custody.
Address: 19 Nizami st., Nakhchivan city. Telephone 5-16-80.
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Nakhchivan State Carpet Museum –
cultural and educated entity was established in March 1998. It is allocated in “Khan house” in Khan top related
to 200-year history. The Museum consists of 8 halls. When museum was founded
there are 241 types of carpet have been secured. We should emphasize that the work being belonged to national painter K.Aliyev,
the knitted carpet with portrait of former president Heydar Aliyev here is deemed the most beautiful carpet and is staying
under strict protection and subject to exhibited. In the Museum there also in operation Nakhchivan khanate and religious khanim
museum. In
October 1999 whilst celebrating 75-year jubilee his Excellency, the President of Azerbaijan Republic, during his staying in
Nakhchivan, attended museum and examined exhibits.
Address: Khan house, Nakhchivan. Telephone 5-80-39
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Huseyn Javid home museum
– The
museum was founded under the Resolution of Azerbaijan government on December 25, 1980 and was opened in living area in June
1984 where Alikhan was born. The Museum Fund collected nearly 6000 exhibits.
Here such articles as photo-pictures, first editing of works, various memories and home objects, being reflected life and
creative work of the writer, are being stored here. The Museum is connected with H.Javid creative work’s investigation.
Here are being held meeting with a certain creative collective of “Huseyn Javid poesy club”, admirer of Javid
scientists, with writer and poets.
Address: 4 Huseyn Javid st. Nakhchivan city. Telephone 5-27-26
Heydar Aliyev museum – was founded
on the basis of the resolution of Supreme Council of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated February 18, 1999. And from this
year on May 10 it shows its activity. In the Museum there are available posters dedicated to Heydar Aliyev family, his childhood
and youth, relevant documents and materials having relation to period when chairman of Supreme Council of Nakhchivan
Republic worked, as well as signed letters, resolutions and orders. The Museum also collected materials devoted to different
regions of Azerbaijan where people resided and made their appeals to them. In the museum “Return”, “I am
unanimous with the nation”, “Nakhchivan lives and fights” divisions were founded. The library of museum
possesses by wide range of journals, albums, and books, reflecting life and activity of Heydar Aliyev.
Address: Azadlig Street, Nakhchivan city. Telephone 45-92-98
Djamshid Nakhchivansky home museum – The museum has been established
in Nakhchivan city on the Resolution issued by Azerbaijan Government dated of August 8, 1981. Pursuant to 85-jubilee celebration
of birthday of honorable commander S. Nakhchivanski, the museum created from
the house where he lived, constitutes 320 m2. The Fund consists of 2 rooms, exhibiting areas, 3 halls and 1 subsidiary
room. Here are being exhibited nearly 4500 exhibits. Also, the museum used to carry out memory days, meetings and disputes.
Address: 6 Ataturk st. Nakhchivan city. Telephone 5-21-16
Djalil Mammadkulizade home museum – was founded
in Nakhchivan city by the Resolution of Excellency President of Azerbaijan Republic Heydar Aliyev on July 19, 1998. The Museum
opening ceremony was held in 1999. The President Heydar Aliyev made his speech in the ceremony. Here, are being carried out
permanent exposition dedicated to life and creative works of illustrious writer.
Address: Agamalioglu st., Nakhchivan city. Telephone 5-67-86
Djalil Mammadkulizade
memorial museum – was founded under the Resolution number 44of Azerbaijan SSR Soviet Ministers on February 9,
1989 in the school of Nehram village where Djalil Mamedkulizade run training courses. Nowadays, in the museum are being collected
and stored 553 material-cultural samples, the works dedicated to creative life
of Mirza Djalil, including Molla Nasreddin and other works. The aforesaid material-cultural specimen, all of them was inserted
into the Fund of the museum. The museum being paid significant part in the region is considered cultural-enlightenment enterprise.
During the years from the part of the museum according to individuality roughly carried out serving for 3500 persons and nearly
for 4000 citizens the museum renders services by means of excursions.
Address: Babek area,
Nehram village
Memorial museum- is allocated in Nakhchivan
city. The Museum had been founded in accordance with the Resolution of Azerbaijan Cabinet Ministers number 129 dated July
26, 2000. The Museum collected, stored and exhibited materials related to Great
Patria War, genocide, Azerbaijan – Armenia relationships, victims and more than 1020 material-cultural samples. From
the part of the Museum during years there were carried out various measures, excursions, fairs, and exhibitions, which allowed
serving more than 1000 citizens.
Addrees: Pishevari st. Nakhchivan city. Telephone: 4-50-07
The museum under opened heavens – was established
in accordance with the Decree of Supreme Council of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
dated July 11, 2002. In the museums during different periods of time there were being collected, stored and exhibited 84 material
cultural values, out of them rock memorials, muttons figures and others. In the
museum covered different periods of our history it is being collected stored and exhibited 84 material-cultural values consisting
of rock sculptures, sheep figures and etc. During the years the Museum renders services to nearly more than 5000 citizens.
Address: Adjami seyrangakhi, Nakhchivan city. Telephone: 5-08-06 |
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Ordubad History
Regional Studies – was established in 1981 and allocated in Djuma-mosque building. The Museum covers 650
square meters and consists of 8 departments. Here it is being exhibited history and culture of Ordubad Region since the most
ancient period of time till present time. The Museum collected such articles as national art works, music instruments, national
wear and featured decorations, painting works, sculptor and applied art samples, ancient numismatic materials, wood works,
jewelers works, coppersmith works and ceramist products, decorative things, carpets, photo pictures, documents and others
– total 400 pieces of exponents. There are available archive and library. In the territory of the museum the discovered
excavations also occupies important role.
Address: 19 F.Zeynalov st., Ordubad town
Mammad Seid Ordubad home museum –
the museum was opened in 1972 due to 100 year celebration jubilee of writer in the building where he was born. In the museum
are being collected the materials reflecting writer’s life and activity such as photo pictures, different documents,
memorial works relating to his living period of time, portraits, samples having
been printed in a certain of languages during various period of times, letters and manuscripts, pictures and memorials depicting
amicable link of Mammad Said Ordubadi with the honorable figures. The Museum shows fruitful activity in terms of learning
of rich literate heritage of Mammad Said Ordubad and in the field of propaganda.
11 Mingish st., Ordubad town.
Yusif Mammadaliyev home museum – was founded in 1975 in the building where
academic Yuisf Mammadaliyev was born. Here was collected and stored 1160 exponents dedicated to life and creative work of
honorable scientist during various period of time. Here are being delivered lectures and informed on multilateral life and
activity of illustrious academy.
Address: 7
Mammadaliyev. Ordubad town |
Kangarli museum – was founded under the Decree of Chairman of Supreme Council of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
dated May 22 2001. The Museum opening occurred in 2002. The President of Azerbaijan
Republic Heydar Aliyev has taken part at the said ceremony.
In the Museum at present
272 units of exhibits are staying under custodian. There are permanently being carried out measures devoted to the well-known
painter and his creative work. Having occupying important part in the life of painter’s creative work such works like
“Refugees”, chain work, “Mountain area”, “Fallen sun”, “Hard Rock”, “Ashabu-Kahf
mountain”, “Aged man” and others, impressed attendees of museum
by its soulful, realistic and psychological expressions. The works of B.Kangarli
are being kept in Azerbaijan State Art Museum, Nakhchivan State History Museum, Moscow State History Museum and private collection.
Address: 15 Ataturk street, Nakhchivan city. Telephone: 45-71-11
Nakhchivan State Painting Gallery. Since 1982 it has been starting
its activity. Here it is being guarded professional works belonged to Azerbaijan prominent
painters and being exhibited. Such painters’ works as dyeing, graphic, thematic table, portrait and other work in created
genres place important part. The Gallery carried out a certain number of exhibitions in various cities of Azerbaijan and in
Iran Islam Republic.
Sharur district history
Regional Museum – in 1978 having been established by social
requirements that museum started its activity as a state entity since February
1, 1982. The museum consists of 9 divisions where nearly 6000 exponents are staying
under security. While carrying out investigating works in the territory of Region, a certain numbers of discovered samples
are being stored in that museum.
Address: 26 Shakh Ismail street,
Sharur city. Telephone: 2-21-69
Babek area history – regional museum –
The Museum established in December 1981. Here are being collected, stored and exhibited 3676 exponents reflecting history
of region, culture-social life, and social development. During investigating
works period having been carried out in the territory of the region here one might find the discovered samples. In 2003 the
Museum moved to a new building newly repaired.
Address: Babek village. Telephone 1-38-32
Sadarak region history – regional museum. In
the museum there are being staying under protection 440 exponents depicting history
of region, culture, economy and household. The Museum was established under the
Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic on July 26, 2000.
Address: Heydarabad village. Telephone 2-04-48
Julfa area history – Regional museum –The Museum was founder
in accordance with the Resolution of Soviet Ministers dated February 13, 1981.
Being consisted of 5 divisions in the museum there are being exhibited more than 2000 exponents. In the result of carried
out archeological research works during certain period of times the material and cultural samples are being cared and stored
in the museum.
Address: Julfa city, Khagani street 11. Telephone 6-18-13
Shabuz district history – Regional museum
– This museum is being operated since 1982. It has 6 divisions.
In the museum there are collected and stored more than 3500 exponents, as well as craftsmen works, carpet products art sewing
works, applied and decorative art partners. In these latter days whilst archeological
investigating works having been carried out the discovered samples had found their
reflection in the museum.
Address: 26 N Narimanov st. Shakhbuz village. Telephone 3-02-98
Djalil Mammadkulizade
named Literature museum affiliate. With a view of perpetuation of Djalil Mammedkulizade memory in 1987 the
museum was established in the said school on the basis of social requirements. In pursuance with the
Order of Azerbaijan Republic Culture Ministry number 128 dated April 10, 1991 it was renamed into Literature Museum Affiliate
of Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan and since the aforesaid term it has been proceeded its activity in the capacity of affiliate
museum. At the present time, in the museum it is being stored 616 exponents and all of them had been inserted into the fund
of the museum.
Sharur area, Djalikend |
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Republic Library is deemed the biggest library of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and scientific methodic Center.
It was created on the basis of Nakhchivan city library in 1930. In 1953 the library was given the name after prominent writer M.S. Ordubad. Here, it is available 260 thousands books and magazines. There
are scientific – supervision seminars carried out being connected with cultural, moral and esthetic education of readers.
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Since the ancient times
in Nakhchivan region folk music was widely spread out. Peoples creative work – folk song and dances and ashig art plays
very important role in music developing. Year by year the folk music being developed and become rich, nevertheless could unite
a lot of admirers around himself. Art – amateur performed team, being existed in Nakhchivan for developing folk music,
plaid not less part. Today, they run very effective role in propaganda of music. Having taken activity in Shakhbuz region,
“Zurnachilar” trio, “Tulum players” collectives, “Hodu-hodu” folklore group, in Sharur
area “Sharur yallisi” and consisting of aged men “Nurani”
yalli collective, in Djulfa region “Djopudu”, “Illuziya games”,
“Lolo” folklore collective, in Babek region “Zabul” and “Saz players” set, they take part
closely in developing and agitation of folk music.
Azerbaijan Ashig music is the
most ancient type among Azerbaijan performing art works. Apart from others whilst ashig
performer plays in saz instrument he, at the same time dance and sing a song.
Yalli. This is a
type of dances called Yalli, which was born in Sharur region.
Yallisi –
slow and tender melody makes the yalli structure as a Nomad and consists of 2 parts. It was established in Nakhchivan Sharur
region. |
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Nakhchivan State Music Dram Theater – the theater was founded in XX century
under the initiative of Eynalibey Sultanov. From the part of members of “Muslim shiya art and dramaturgy society”
members in August 12, 1886 he plays the part of M.F. Akhundov “Darvish Mastali
shakh” comedy in the house of Haci Hasan Zeynalovun (“Zaviya mahallasi”). By that performance there were
vested the ground of Nakhchivan theater and after there were set up comedies
of M.Akhundov “chemist Molla Ibragimkhalil”, “Vezir of Lenkoran Khan”, “Haci Gara”, “Xirs
Guldurbasan”. In XX century 20th years Nakhchivan Theater laid
the base to a new stage, in 1922 it was founded state dram theater, in 1964 being worked it moved to new building and in 1965
the entity was given the name of C. Mammadkulizade. |
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Nakhchivan State Puppet Theater – it
was established under the relevant Resolution dated September 14, 1989 by Azerbaijan Government. In the theater there were
set such like “Sheep revenge” A.Abbasov, “Pygmy scull” S.Alaskarov, “Teaching lecture”
and other works had been set for performance. The theater made a tour via in Baki in 1991, Turkey- 1994, Izmir-1995, Van region-1997,
in 1994 – Urmiya area of Iran Islam Republic
On the basis of the Resolution the Chairman
of Supreme Council of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic dated on March 11, 2004 the Puppet Theater was granted the name of M.T.
Sadginin. |
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Nakhchivan Conservatory – it is high-educated school
in the field of music. Nakhchivan State University was established on the basis of faculty of art (February 27,1998). It possesses
by status of internal faculty division. The conservatory prepares high-educated specialists on pianoforte, folk played instruments,
string instruments, musicians, on execution and Kapellmeister. During the process being closer to traditional Europe music
education system, it is drawn particular attention in terms of classic music teaching for heritage. Nakhchivan Conservatory
does have separate corps, music cabinet, and concert saloon. Graduates of Conservatory made their performances with concert
programs in Azerbaijan and Turkey. |
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